It is difficult for investors who focus on fundamentals to exert their fists and feet in this round of market, and investors who chase small-cap stocks with hot topics make Public Offering of Fund products far behind.SDIC Securities Research Report pointed out that from the perspective of capital, this phenomenon (micro-disk stocks hit a record high) is naturally easy to explain: the core of the incremental fund group is retail hot money, and the pricing power is not in the hands of institutions.Let's look at a set of data first. The average increase of the 100 stocks with the smallest market value on September 23 to December 9 is 141%. The 100 stocks with the largest market value closed on September 23, and the average increase by December 9 was 21.5%.
[Robots are hot this year! 】The "seesaw" performance of blue-chip stocks and small-cap stocks is vividly interpreted in this round of market. Large-cap blue chips and core assets with stable operation and better fundamentals have obviously underperformed the small-cap sector of emerging technology sectors.Let's look at a set of data first. The average increase of the 100 stocks with the smallest market value on September 23 to December 9 is 141%. The 100 stocks with the largest market value closed on September 23, and the average increase by December 9 was 21.5%.
What are the reasons why more resilient blue chips are not popular in the market? Many people in the industry interviewed by reporters believe that the macro-economy has not yet recovered significantly, and the uncertainty of the pace of monetary and fiscal policies next year has led to the fact that although the weighted blue-chip stocks have a low valuation advantage, they have not obtained the unanimous expectation of funds.The "seesaw" performance of blue-chip stocks and small-cap stocks is vividly interpreted in this round of market. Large-cap blue chips and core assets with stable operation and better fundamentals have obviously underperformed the small-cap sector of emerging technology sectors.Let's look at a set of data first. The average increase of the 100 stocks with the smallest market value on September 23 to December 9 is 141%. The 100 stocks with the largest market value closed on September 23, and the average increase by December 9 was 21.5%.